Home Again

Hopefully the name of this post will clue into its nature.

So I'm back. Crazy cryptic ancient woman said it was ok and, against all logical judgment and reason, I'm going to believe her. I'll just keep indoors as much as possible and figure out what the hell I picked up that brought me into this mess. Toss it out and I'll be done with this.

No more scary fucking shadow monsters.

Though for the time being, I've barricaded the basement. I'm not going down there anytime soon. Or ever again.

In other news, remember that industrial light I talked about in this post? Well, I've gone and started using it for something.

At first I was thinking about incorporating it into a living room lamp, but now I've decided to build a flashlight.

I've hooked it up to a PVC pipe handle and filled the inside with these odd, 13 volt batteries, then wired the light in at the top and bottom, before capping the whole thing together. It's now the most gratuitously powerful and janky flashlight I've ever owned.

Seriously, I accidentally turned it on in my face and was blind for a minute.

In other news, a transformer outside blew today, temporarily cutting power in my house. I was scared shitless and ran outside for a bit (to be fair it sounded like a damn gunshot and the room I was in went dark like a cave). The good news is that when the electric company came by to fix it, I managed to nab one of their high end wire cutters; so that's the newest addition to my collection.
  • High End Wire Cutters
  • Stupid Powerful Jank-Light

Post later.


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