So I met the person, or organization, I suppose.
I don't know what I had in mind, but this wasn't it. I was expecting solid answers for one thing, not cryptic statements and something like a quest.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. Here's what happened:
I was sitting at my chosen coffee shop of choice, Smoke City (it used to be a bar where people could get together and light cigarettes, not so much anymore) when someone approached me.
They slid into the booth in front of me and began talking without skipping a beat.
"Hello Andrew Ji, how are you enjoying your orange juice?"
I started and looked up at the ancient woman. For a half second I thought she might have bad sight, judging by her rather blank stare, and sat down at my table by mistake; but she had said my name, and spoken directly to me.
I looked around and found that the cafe was unusually empty, before turning my attention back to the woman.
"Do I... know you?"
An unpleasant smile crossed her face, causing layers of old skin to fold into each other.
"I have yet to meet you in a setting such as this, but I know you."
"That wasn't what I asked."
"But it is the answer you received."
I paused for a moment before talking again.
"Are you the person who commented on my blog?"
"Yes and no; I commented on your blog, but these hands did not do the action."
I took a minute to consider what this meant, "So you're some kind of group or organization?"
"That could be said, yes."
"And you're going to help me and tell me about that... whatever, right?"
"So what was the point of meeting me?"
She stopped talking for a moment, and I realized that I had not seen her blink in the entire time we had been speaking; and that other than her mouth, she hadn't moved since she sat down.
Then she began again.
"You have been a collector for many years, Andrew Ji, but it is only now that you have obtained anything of great value; and you will hate that you have gained it. I cannot give you the answers that you seek, because I do not own them. I am newer and they are older. You will have to look elsewhere Andrew Ji."
"You don't look very "new' to me, you're practically prehist-"
"You will have to find the man with the memories. He will likely know of those who pursue you."
"Okay, even if I understood what the hell that meant, why would I do that."
She smiled wider at me, stretching the leathery skin of her face.
"You have known the depth of obsession Andrew Ji, you will look eventually. Now if I may offer guidance"
"... You may..."
"It is safe to return to your home, but you will have to run soon. The others will not be so kind as I when they discover what you have taken. Pack the essentials and go, you have maybe a week before they or them come for you. We will be in touch periodically Andrew Ji."
And with that she stood up and walked away; no further explanation for the cryptic bullshit she just dropped on me.
I'm going to go back to my place, but I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to be running from. I'd call the police but what could I tell them?
I guess I'll just try to wait this out, try to figure out what I've got that apparently brought me into all this.
I'll post again soon.
So you're a runner now! I wish you luck, If only so i can find out what it is you've managed to get your hands on. I doubt any of the guys coming after you would be polite enough to post answers on this blog.