Picking up Pieces

Ok, so I was poking around the edge of the woods today and got my strangest grab of not just this year, but ever.

Seriously I don't even know what to make of this thing, but check it out:

How creepy is that? Sent a chill down my spine when I picked it up and looked at it.

My guess is that it's some kind of homemade Halloween mask or something; but it could also have been some theater group from the summer. It looks like it's been through a lot, the paint around the eyes seems chipped and there are a couple cracks throughout; I tried to be really careful when I cleaned it up. At this point I've decided that I don't care if it's not valuable or anything; it's a weird enough find that I'm going to hold onto it regaurdless of its worth.

And it fits in my hat totem pole perfectly!

That's about it for now, see you later.


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