
I'm sorry about the last post.

I'm better now, I'm going to write what happened.

I know what this is going to sound like but I swear, I swear on god and my mother and my life, there was something down there and it came out.

I don't even know what to think but I'm just going to say what happened.

Ok, so I was watching television, the Pawnstars show on History (firsst time watching TV in awhile), when I decided that I really needed to have something to drink. The fridge was out of anything even remotely edible, so I decided to pick up some booze from downstairs.

When I flipped on the lightswitch by the stairs I thought for a moment that something was off, but I brushed it aside as a literal trick of the light, and continued down the steps. I found what I was looking for fairly quickly; I may be a collector, but I actually don't store much down there and what I do store goes into a safe, most of my stuff is showcased on shelves in the living room or my bedroom.

Crouched over, picking up a case of Fat Tire, I felt ill at ease; like what I imagine claustrophobia to feel like. The room seemed somehow smaller and oppressive around me. I paused a moment and scanned the area from over my shoulder; expecting, what I don't know, but nothing was obviously wrong. It didn't shake the feeling of being compressed though, I couldn't wrap my head around what felt so eerie. I won't deny that I rushed a bit to get back to the living room. Once I was back on the main level, I casually flipped off the lights.

Almost immediately the was a CRACK.

It was loud, like snapping a slab of concrete loud. I set the case of beers down and turned to look into the basement.

It was pitch black down there, no windows and no light- I could hear something scraping around, what sounded like metal being dragged across the floor. For some reason a quote from Friedrich Nietzsche floated to the top of my head.

Then something drifted in from the edge of the doorway.

I froze as I watched. It was pale in the blackness of the basement, hoving into view; almost methodical in the way it moved, slowly turning to face me.

The skull of a ram, cloaked in the shadows.

It shot forward, up the stairs, and somewhere in the back of my head I felt a scream. I bolted out of the way as it twisted towards me, suspended on a tendril of writhing dark.

I raced away, out the back door and into the snow; I didn't care how cold it was or that I lacked a jacket, I just needed to get farther and farther out of the house.

I peeked over my shoulder to look and I saw it fully.

For a moment, it was just an undulating mass of black; but it began to shift. Legs stretched out from the bottom and arms from the sides, it compressed in and became something borderline recognizable.

It was just a silhouette, impossible to judge any finer features other than a basic outline, but what I could see looked like a person. Eight feet tall and cloaked, the skull held on what looked like shoulders, thin legs sprouting out from the bottom.

It stood, stock still, facing me, then it turned, like I wasn't even visible anymore, and started to move off. The thing went, striding, step after step dragging a gash through the snow as it disappeared into the trees.

I kept running, all the way to the local library where I posted the previous entry. Last night I stayed at  really cheap hotel and now I'm back at the library again.

I don't believe in ghosts or demons or things. I've always been a really down to earth person; but now?

I don't know what to think or do or say.

I kept that ram's skull in the safe with the other things, and whatever that was ripped the damn thing open to take it out.

I saw the darkness move.


1 comment:

  1. https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/519x389q90/833/odb5.jpg

    Look something like this?

    We will be in contact soon.
