
We're almost there, my "bodyguards" called for a midday rest, apparently they want to wait for a while -I'm not sure how long- before we go to wherever this place is.

Right now I'm typing at my computer in a new hotel room, and I'm pleased to say that on the way here I picked up some more things:
  • set of silver spoons and forks
  • Vinyl recording of Johnny Cash's Greatest Hits
  • Linoleum carving tool kit
All of which were really cheep at the garage sale that we passed by, I imagine the people who were giving them out had no idea of their value; which is all the better for me. It seems that Rill and Narl disappear the moment I approach other people, which makes me question even more how they're supposed to be protecting me. Come to think of it, I don't know how they could protect me; compared to something like that dog or the bird-helmet-machete-man, they just look like disturbed individuals. I'm not even sure what they can do in a fight.

Why were they chosen to be the ones to protect me, and for what purpose? What am I doing that is so important that it needs any sort of defense?

I suppose those are just more questions to add to the pile; but I'm getting ahead of myself; I should explain how we got here and why I haven't posted for several days. I'm going to rewind this back a bit, right after my previous post.

They met me outside, both of them hidden in the shadows. I could just barely make out their outline, the green reflections of their eyes. Narl spoke first.

"You have prepared? Taken the items for your life?"

"Uh, yeah. I packed."

"Narl will go before," Rill spoke next, "I will go after. He will take you to the goal, the next step. Prerequisite."

Narl quickly stepped to the side, still partially obscured in the darkness, and gestured to me before dashing to the next patch of shadow. I started jogging in pursuit,  I could hear Rill shuffling somewhere behind me.

It's weird, going from traveling only in the daylight to navigating a city at night; I followed Narl to the best of my ability, guided more by the sounds of his footfalls than by sight. Sometimes he would vanish entirely, and I would stop in confusion. Each time this happened, Rill would appear by my side, and point to somewhere off in the distance; directing me to the next location. Narl would already by there, gesture once more to me, and we would continue on our way. This made travel incredibly disorienting and I'm fairly certain that we backtracked multiple times. After awhile I realized we had passed into the next state, I found that we were crossing into the next state, which shouldn't have been possible.

The thing that bothers me more though is the amount of time we traveled. We left fairly early in the night, just passed nine o'cock; but about halfway through our trip the sun came up, and we still moved on for a while after. I can't speak for either of my protectors, but I'm nowhere near strong enough to jog that long in a single sitting; that's some kind of super athlete level endurance. I don't even feel winded now.

Rill and Narl paid for a hotel this the night, using spitball-tight-crumpled-nasty bills. They're curled up in the corner of the room. The two of them look like they're sleeping, but I can see them staring at me out of the corner of my eye.

Normally I'd be creeped out by them, but I'm not. I've been thinking about it, and they probably weren't any different from me at some point; who even knows what horrors they had to go through to make them like they are now. Maybe they're just people who fell on hard times, and this was how they made it through. I can't really blame them for that.

Kind of tragic, actually.

I don't know how long we're going to be staying here, but I think that our destination isn't far off now.


1 comment:

  1. You're a fool. Have you even once considered what those titles they introduced themselves with meant?

    They aren't people anymore, and they chose to become how they are. They're monsters now, I hope for your sake you never see what "they can do in a fight".
